美國茶文化學會 學會宗旨 American Tea Culture Association

美國茶文化學會 學會宗旨

美國茶文化學會美國茶文化學會成立於2002年,是一非營利團體,由一群喜歡喝茶的朋友所組成的,大家定期聚會研討品茗、文化、歷史與茶道藝術,並且參與國際間茶藝交流。學會成立之目的是將中國固有的茶文化推廣於美國,把喝茶的好處,茶道之美,介紹給大家,讓人人都能享受一杯好茶。我們有入門的茶文化講座(中、英文班),進階的泡茶研習班,和專題研討。上課的地點目前設於灣區的Cupertino 及Fremont。歡迎有興趣的朋友加入我們,一起來泡茶。

American Tea Culture Association

American Tea Culture Association was established in August 8, 2002. This is a nonprofit organization and was founded by a group of passionate tea lovers. We gather on a regular basis to discuss and explore the tea culture, the tea development and different ways of tasting tea. Our association frequently holds seminars and presents tea ceremony to the public throughout the year. We also participate in international tea ceremony events, and represent for North American area as a member of “International Wuwo Tea Ceremony” organization. Our goal is to promote Chinese tea culture in North American through the appreciation of the gracious Chinese tea ceremony while having a cup of heartwarming tea. Our association regularly holds beginner and advanced level tea classes. The beginner level class introduces students to the recognition of tea equipments, various tea leaves, tea brewing techniques, and Chinese tea culture. The advanced level class is set out for those who would like to sharpen their tea serving etiquette and know more about the culture of tea.

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